• No.440, 21st Street, N Block, Anna Nagar East, Chennai 600102, India.
  • 91500 12345
  • info@atss.in
  • WhatsApp



Active-Atom Single Input Zone GSM Communicator - Android App

Single Zone

Zone activation /deactivation can be done through SMS/ANDROID application

Both Zone Open and close alert available

Option to Receive Only Zone open alert or Zone close alert or Both available

Instant SMS/Call alert For zone open/close

Option to Receive only SMS Alert or Call Alert or Both available

Memory available to store 4 phone numbers, 1 Admin Number

Device can be controlled through android application

Editable 15 Bit SMS Alert Message

Compact Design

Extremely user friendly

Having network led to know signal strength

Having status led to display board is in idel or doing some operation


The ATOM is Compact Sized GSM Communicator, It Consists of Single Input. The Device can be connected to anything that provides a NO (Normally Open) or (Normally Closed) volt free alarm signal. E.g. thermostats, generators, fridges, freezers, fan panels, fire panels, intruder alarms etc.The Device Can be Controlled through Mobile SMS/Android App.

Maximum Power Consumption 24 Watts
Supply Voltage 9-12 V
Total Current Rating 2 amp (max)
Zone Response Time < 500 Millisecond
Zone Loop Resistance < 5kilo Ohm For Normally Closed
Max Length of Sensor Cable (multi core cable) 150 m (Depends on cable resistance)
GSM Antenna 3 db
Environment Residential/ Commercial/ Light Industrial
Max Humidity 95% Non-Condensing
Operating Temperature 0¡Æ C To 45¡Æ C
Storage Temperature -20¡Æ C~+60¡Æ C
Control Panel Dimensions(mm) (H X W X L)=85*20*70
Weight 60 g

Waste No More Time!

Install GSM Communicator SMS or Call Alert You!